Title: Delicious Distraction Rating: M (MATURE CONTENT!!!) Genre: Lemon Fandom: Resident Evil Time Period: Post Resident Evil: Degeneration/Pre Resident Evil 5 Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy x Ada Wong Word Count: 3,930 (PART I) Summary: A certain Asian beauty of espionage sneaks into Leon S. Kennedy's apartment and one thing leads to another.
Title: M Y . S K I N Fandom: Resident Evil Rating: PG Genre: Tragedy/Romance Pairing(s): Leon S. Kennedy x Ada Wong Format: one-shot Summary: Ada is pained by the loss of Leon. She doesn't want to have to face what is left behind.
Characters (Ashley Graham and Rebecca Chambers) Pairings (Billy/Rebecca, Chris/Jill, Jill/Sheva, Leon/Ada, Richard/Rebecca, & Steve/Claire) T E A S E R S :
Resident Evil & Silent Hill icons [o1-75] Claire Redfield Headers [o7] Sheva Alomar Headers [o1] Ada Wong Wallpapers [o4] Claire Redfield Wallpapers [o1] Leon S. Kennedy Wallpapers [o1] Leon / Ada Wallpapers [o1]